Looking for a quality set of the lightest and fastest wheels in the market for your Cyclocross Road Rim Brakes bike at an affordable price? These are the wheels for you!
The DCB Carbon CX or Road Rim Brake Wheels with Powerway hubs are quality, affordable, light, stiff, and strong wheels!
And, with our new latest ENVE style brake track, which has texture molded into the surface, you can trust that the brake surface will provide exceptional power and control in both dry and wet conditions.
There are four rims with different depth, 50mm deep, 45mm deep, 38mm deep, and 25mm deep to fit your needs to aero and/or light weight
Model Specs:
RIMS: 100% High-Quality Full Toray T800/T1000 Carbon Fiber, Tubeless, Hooked for higher pressures, 20/24h.
RIM WIDTH: 25mm external, 18mm internal good for narrow as 23c and as wide as 40c.
HUBS: Novatec Power R13 Ultralight Hubs, for rim brakes.
HUB SPACING: 9x100/9x135 QR, 12x100, 12x142, OR 15x100/12x142 TA, other spacings available if needed.
SPOKES: Pillar X-TRA Bladed Aero Ultralight 1420 Spokes, or Pillar 1423 Ultra Aero Spokes.
CASSETTE DRIVER: Shimano HG (Shimano 10-11, Sram 10), Shimano 11 Speed Road.
FINISH: UD Matte (Standard), UD Glossy, 3K Matte, 3K Glossy, 12K Matte, 12K Glossy (Select customization in cart/checkout notes)
NIPPLES: Alu black (Standard) Silver, red, gold, blue, green - (Select customization in cart/checkout notes)
DCB DECALS: No decals (Standard), or add stealth, white, silver/gray, red, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple decals (Select customization in cart/checkout notes)
Based on Depth, Width, Profile, Hub, Spokes.
38mm deep, 25mm wide, Symmetrical, Notatec 412, 1420 - 1390g
45mm deep, 25mm wide, Symmetrical, Novatec 412, 1420 - 1420g
50mm deep, 25mm wide, Symmetrical, Novatec 412, 1420 - 1480g
Pillar 1423 spokes +100g
Warranty: Two years full warranty and three-year wholesale crash replacement.
Shipping: Wheels are handbuilt in 7-15 days, then generally ship to arrive in 7-15 days. To see the most detailed and updated information about processing and shipment, please refer to our Shipping and Returns page at the bottom of the site under Support.